Jesus Healed and Forgave
Tom1   -  

Discussion Questions:

1. Jesus forgave the sins of the man who could not walk. Is the man the only one who needed his sins forgiven? Why or why not?

Answer: All people have sinned. Jesus demonstrated his power to forgive the man sins through the miracle he performed. Sin leads to death, but Jesus’ forgiveness leads to life.

2. Why were the religious leaders so upset when Jesus forgave the man’s sins?

Answer: The religious leaders did not believe Jesus is God. Their hearts were filled with unbelief. Jesus showed them His power to forgive sins when he healed the man who could not walk. God proved His power to forgive our sins when He gave His Son, Jesus to die for our sins on the cross.

3. How does Jesus forgive our sins?

Answer: When Jesus died on the cross, He made the way for our sins to be forgiven through His blood. We must confess our sins to God and believe that only Jesus can forgive our sins. Through faith in Jesus, His blood washes away our sin and makes us right before God.