Jesus Fed Many People
Tom1   -  

Discussion Questions:

1. Jesus cared for the crowd. How does Jesus care for you?

Answer: Answers will vary. Remind kids that Jesus saw that people were hungry and He had compassion on them. Jesus cares about their hearts and physical needs.

2. Do we ever need to worry that God will not care for us? Why or why not?

Answer: God has shown how much He cares for us by sending Jesus to rescue us from sin. If He has met our greatest need – being saved from sin – then we can trust Him to meet any other needs we have.

3. Did Jesus need to go to a store to buy food for the crowd? Why or why not?

Answer: Jesus, as God, has all power. Jesus is in charge of all creation. He took the seven loaves of bread and a few fish and miraculously multiplied them to feed over 4000 people until they were full. Jesus’ power is so great, that there were even seven baskets full of leftover food. Just as Jesus had power to feed the crowd, he also has power to rescue us from our sin.