We Had Lost Hope

Jason Smith   -  
Thank you for your faithfulness to pray for the jail ministry that encourages men in the Macon County Detention Center every Tuesday. Here is a letter from one of the men:
I am in the Jail Freedom Program on Tuesday night.  Now I am a grateful Believer in Jesus Christ and look forward to the message your men bring us.
 I’m here on drug possession and habitual felon charges.  I graduated from Teen Challenge last year, but I fell off of working my program and got arrested earlier this year.  I also lost my brother which I could have handled better.
I have been taught by the men who come into the jail on Tuesday to be a light in the darkness wherever I go in the future. I hold on to the verse they have taught Romans 8:28 which says, And we know that God causes everything to work together for good of those who love God and are called to his purposes.
Please pray for me and all the men in Jail.  We had lost hope in here and we were praying for a Jail Ministry to start, and your church sent these men to give us Jesus and bring us hope!