18 on the 18th

Jason Smith   -  

Hey church!

We are praying for 18 new children’s ministry volunteers by the 18th of this month (just 3 days away).  Will you consider being one of those? You might hold a baby, sing fun songs, or sit with a group of kids and listen to a Bible story. Whatever it is, you can be the hands, feet, and hearts that will partner with parents in pointing a generation to Jesus. You would join an amazing group of volunteers that serve and worship with our children once a month during a Sunday Morning Worship Service. 

So why 18 more volunteers? During this season as we have walked through the impact of covid in our community, our children’s ministry was impacted by the number of volunteers that were comfortable serving. Because of the limited number of volunteers, we were only able to offer a limited amount of classes for our children. We are excited to fully open our children’s ministry back to full capacity, from birth – 2nd grade, during both our 8:45am and 11am worship services, on December 5th! To do this, we need 18 additional volunteers that will serve once a month, investing in the lives of the next generation.  

We believe that Sunday morning makes up the best hours of the week and we think there is no greater place that you can make such a significant difference in the lives of children. There may be some of you that would be able to worship in one service and serve in the another, maybe even more than once a month. There have been those that have been called to serve our kids weekly in the past and God may be stirring some hearts that direction as well. We know how important it is to be in worship and a worship one and serve one model, may be a great opportunity to have your cup filled and also pour into others as well. 

If you are ready to join this amazing team, please email me here: jason@cowee.church  and we will connect with next steps (all volunteers are background checked), the best timing, and the best place for you to serve. 

Thank you! 

Pastor Jason