Chrisciufo   -  
Church family!
Some of you have noticed some of the super soft student t-shirts our students and volunteers have been wearing (HERE TO SERVE) and we have been hearing that you wanted to know when any new shirts are ordered. We are excited to announce that we will be putting in order for new t-shirts THIS MONDAY.
Below is what the t-shirts will look like. As Cowee.Church is our new website, this shirt serves multiple purposes. As you wear it out and about and put love in action, people will be able to easily search our website and learn more about Cowee.
If you would like to order a shirt, they are available for a suggested donation of $10 each.
So, if you would like a shirt simply click on the following link and put in your order and we will contact you when they arrive and are ready for pickup.
Tell us what size you would like here:
***Please complete a form for each family member that would like a shirt.***
To pay for your shirt(s) click here: